OHEA President’s Corner

Oak Hills Education Association

Brian Malavich – President
Heather Packer – Vice-President
Jeanna Linenkugel – Secretary
Gregory Rolfes – Treasurer
Susan Dochterman – Membership Chair

August 1, 2023

Dear OHEA member,

Welcome back!  I am Brian Malavich, your OHEA President.  I would like to thank you for continuing to support teachers and our profession by being a union member. I appreciate your support in a time when our strength is in our numbers.

I would like to thank you for your continued membership in OHEA. Being a member is an important way to show that you support the students in your classroom, your colleagues, and your community.  We are beginning our new three year Collective Bargaining Agreement.  This collective agreement allows our teachers to receive an increase of 2.5% on the base for each of the three years, continuation of the 1% pickup on your STRS contributions, members received a $1000 bonus in June, continuing our steps, continuing the personal day options for unused days, as well as an increasing our insurance contributions for those of us part of the high deductible insurance plan.  The current contract and salary scale is available on the OHEA website. Your membership during our negotiations was key in keeping us one of the highest paid school districts in the area.

Unfortunately, we are still working in a climate that is not as favorable as it used to be. Groups, like the Freedom Foundation, bombard educators with exaggerations of what a Union means to state employees. I urge anyone to please research this group and reach out if you have any questions about OHEA and what we stand for. I prefer you hear the truth from us, other than take a dark money group’s word for who we are and what we are truly trying to achieve.  

The association continues to work closely with district administration to help present the teachers’ viewpoints. We feel communication is key to having a productive relationship that helps to solve most of our member concerns. This is a relationship that takes years to develop and takes time to keep that avenue open. This open avenue was key to keeping our negotiations positive. Our elected board members held to their word and fully backed our teachers and reinforced the importance of our teachers. 

With upcoming challenges facing our profession, it is critical that we maintain a strong membership. If you know someone who is not a member, I invite you to encourage them to join you & your fellow colleagues. If you are a continuing member, THANK YOU for your membership. There is strength in numbers and the benefits are more than the membership costs. We need to continue to stay together as a group to keep an active voice for all members. 

You are automatically an OHEA member for the 2023-2024 school year if you were a member last year.  If you choose to withdraw your membership, you need to submit a written, signed letter (not an email and include your specific building) to Susan Dochterman at Oak Hills High School by Friday, September 8, 2023. Please see your building rep with any questions.

Elections for Winter and Spring Rep Assemblies will be on October 4, 5, and 6th. Our officer and building rep election will be on April 24, 25 and 26th. Please reach out to your building reps with any questions you may have. 


Brian Malavich  

OHEA President